Conference on Sustainable Development in East Timor


The purpose of the Conference was to highlight the environment and to promote and facilitate dialogue about sustainable  development in East Timor, so that principles of sustainable development can be incorporated into future planning.


The Conference was highly participatory, bringing together East Timorese and international experts, United Nations bodies, non-government organisations and individuals. The Conference built strong networks within East Timor and established alliances with international sustainable development  organisations.


The program covered a comprehensive range of sustainable development issues;  Introduction to Sustainable Development, Natural Resources and Conservation, Economy, Social Issues, Institutions and Technology.


The format of the conference included plenary sessions in the mornings, followed by workshops to discuss the topics addressed.  The workshops identified and discussed specific issues and solutions relevant to East Timor.


The conference was formatted with the aim of producing tangible outcomes.  The Conferenece endorded a proposal for a Task Force on Sustainable Development to be established, hosted by the National University of Timor Lorosa’e to carry forward the ideas generated.   The Task Force is now being established.


The Conference on Sustainable Development

was initiated by Dr. Jose Ramos Horta and Timor Aid.


Conference Supported by:  


 HIVOS (Netherlands)

Catholic Fund for Overseas

Development (CAFOD) 

Trocaire (Ireland)

Embassy of Finland

Timor AID





Canada Fund.

Further Support from:

Protimos Foundation, Ecological Architects Australia, RECOFTC, Environment Australia, International Union for Conservation and Nature, Icelandic international Development Agency, Northern Territory University, Australian Volunteers International, Norwegian Government, BP Solar, Mineral Policy Institute, Australian Computer Society, Natural Resources and Environment, Victoria, RMIT Department of Geospatial Science.


Confernce Advisors:  

Mario Nunes -ET

FOG, Joaquim Fonseca - Yaysan HAK, Aderito de Jesus, SAHE,

 Domitrio Amaral -Haburas, Angus Mackay & George Bouma, EPU UNTAET,

Carlos Alberto Baros Forindo- Ema maTA Dalan ba Progresso ETTADEP. 

Coordinating Committee & Contacts:

Maria Isabel Da Silva , Americo Da Silva , Ajerino Vieira , Annalisa  Koeman, Carrie Deutsch, Russell Anderson


Others who worked on the Conference:

Marc Beuniche, Selma Hayati, Susie Russell, Sue Lennox, Alfredo Issac, Filomena da Silva Soares, Steve Malloch,  Bret Eartheart and all those others that have volunteered some of their time.



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